Tv Commercial | Director: Fran Torres
Today you have more reasons to go back to eat at McDonald's again, and again, and again.
Multi-subject campaign for the McD's Pasta Salad's launch.
Kid: Where are we going mum?
Mom: To McDonald's.
Kid: Again?!

Colleague 1: Buuuut, lunchbreak?
Colleague 2: McDonald's?
Colleague1: Again..

Girl 1: Two more minutes and we go.
Girl 2: McDonald's?
Girl 1: Again?!

McDonald's - My Menù
tv 30'' Director: Rad Ish

MyMenu is a deal not only about what you can eat with 4,90 euro but what you can experience at the same price, because McDonald's gives you more than just food.
McDonald's - Gran Chianina and Gran Piemontese
Tv 30'' Director: Luca Lucini

Italians products are extremely good but sometimes not easy to find. 
McDonald's selected two different kind of meat belonging from different regions and brought their great taste all around Italy.
McDonald's - Quarter Pounder
Tv 30'' / Director: Vittorio Sacco
Three Quarter Pounder are coming but one will stay. 
The consumer is the only one who can decide by choosing his favorite.
McDonald's - Gran Crispy McBacon
Tv 30'' / Director: Stefano Lodovichi

The Crispy McBacon has been the most loved McDonald's product in Italy for years. We celebrate a new launch of a bigger McBacon, the Gran Crispy McBacon and we decided to celebrate it using selected real comments along McDonald's official page on Facebook posts during the campaign, placing them as our script in our commercial. True love ( cit ).

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